Sunday, August 2, 2009

Elvis this alive one?

The myth of Elvis Presley even reaches to feed a series of theories about the singer's envelope vivencia in our days. These are some of the arguments that circulate in this respect:

Where has Elvis been seen? (according to publication of the BBC).

• In a gas station in Montana.

• In a supermarket in to Cambridge.

• leaving a local of "pizza hut" in Southampton, England.

• In an office in Oslo.

• reading poetry in the university of Penh state.

• making finger in Texas.

• managing a truck in tasmania.

Reason that they would explain that Presley has not died.

• In their tablet, their second name is not well written: it is Aaron and non aron.

• Their tomb is between those of its father and its grandmother, and not next to its mother, as always it was its final desire.

• Although to the moment of their supposed death it weighed 250 pounds, in their death certificate it figures with "only" 170. And the original certificate disappeared.

• witness of its funeral one has said that its casket was excessively cold, that which took to lift the theory that what there was inside was not more than a body of wax that was necessary to maintain with air conditioning.

• two hours after being announced their death, a very similar man to Presley bought an airplane passage to good airs, he paid cash and he said to call himself John Burrows, the same one alias used by the singer in several moments of his life.

• The day after their death, one of their former fiancés received a rose by mail on behalf of "lancelot", the nickname that Presley used during its relationship and that only them two knew.

• was a great follower of the numerology and if they sink the numbers of its date of death (16081977) the figure is obtained 2001, fair the title of the singer's favorite movie. In the tape, a man thinks about his immortality sat down in the bathroom. Guess: it was in the bathroom where he/she was the singer's body.

Little • before their death, Presley had lost ten million dollars in a real estate business with a company linked to the mafia. It is believed that Presley would have helped the government to dismantle to the group in exchange for a new identity.

• soon after of their death, a masked singer of nickname Orión began to give concerts of great similarity with those of Presley. When in 1981 the television program "20/20" he/she carried out an extensive report regarding the singer's death, Orión disappeared forever of the live scene.

• In the famous science fiction movie: men of black (man in black), the agent ka (Tommy Jones reads), he tells to the agent iota (will Smith) that Elvis not this dead.

• Until today, nobody has charged their life insurance.

Google discovers the supposed Atlantis

An image satelital taken by the digital program Google Ocean found what was defined as a city submerged to 1000 kilometers of the coast west of Africa, near the Islands Canaries, for what you speculates that it can be the “lost Atlantis.”
As he/she informed today the English newspaper The Sun, the image shows a perfect rectangle of the size of Wales submerged at hundred of meters deep in the Ocean Atlantic. The picture satelital details a symmetrical plane of parallel and perpendicular lines, similar to a map of an enormous metropolises.
Located in an area called Abyssal Platform of Madeira, the plane was discovered by the English aeronautical engineer Bernie Bamford that investigated through the “Google Ocean.”
Bamford, 38 years old and residing in the English town of Chester, affirmed that the lines “they are made by the man”. “The possibility of an extraordinary discovery has captured oceanographers and geophysical”, the Sun wrote.
The place is to 1000 kilometers to the west of Africa, near the Islands Canaries, a place for the lost Atlantis suggested by the Greek philosopher Plato who believed that a civilization that he/she lived in that island was submerged 12.000 years ago by an earthquake.
The “map” it was reproduced by Google Ocean, an extension of the digital program Google Earth that uses images of satellites combined with marine pictures. The professor Charles Orser, healer of historical archaeology of the New York State University and one of the main prominences on the studies of the Atlantic one, qualified the discovery like “fascinating.”
“That place is one of the most prominent places on the location suggested for the Atlantis, like it was described by Plato. It deserves to be analyzed in detail”, he/she added.
The Atlantis is the name of a legendary missing island in the sea, mentioned and described for the first time in the dialogues Timeo and the Critias, the Greek philosopher's texts Plato.

The Experiment Philadelphia

The Experiment Philadelphia, also call "I Project Rainbow", an urban legend is considered about a supposition experiment secret carried out by the marine one American in the naval navy of Philadelphia, in the state of Pennsylvania, during or before October 28 1943.

The experiment would have been driven by the Dr. Franklin Reindeer (or Rinehart) like a military application of the unified theory or "general theory of the relativity" of Albert Einstein. In summary, the theory postulates the interrelation between the forces of the electromagnetic radiation and the graveness. By means of a special application of the theory, it felt possible, using team specialized and enough energy, to curve the light around an object, returning him essentially invisible. The Marina would have considered this really valuable in the event of war, because the United States was participating in the Second World War in that moment, and he/she decided to approve and to sponsor the experiment. An escort destroyer, the USS Eldridge (DE-173), it was equipped with the generator required in the navy of Philadelphia.
The tests would have begun the summer of 1943, and to a certain extent they were successful at the beginning. A test, July of 1943, 22 returned to the almost completely invisible Eldridge, with some witness reporting a "greenish fog"—however, some members of the company complained later on about nauseas. In that moment, the experiment was altered at the request of the Marina, with the objective of only making to the invisible ship to the radars.
The team was recalibrated and the experiment was carried out October 28. This time, the Eldridge not only became completely invisible visible, but rather in fact it disappeared of the area in a blue lightning. At the same time, the American naval base in Norfolk, Virginia, to 600 km of distance, a tripulante in its costs declared to have seen the Eldridge during several minutes, at the end of which disappeared, appear in Philadelphia again, in its original coordinates—supposedly an accidental case of teletransportación.
The physiologic effects in the company were deep. Almost all fell gravely sick. Some suffered mental deterioration after the experience—in some cases behaviors esquizofrénicos are described. Some other members disappeared—supposedly "dispelled"—and supposedly five elements were fused with the metal of the ship and other points suffered desmaterializaciones of some parts of their bodies. Horrified, the naval officials canceled the experiment immediately. All the survivors were given of high; in some cases, after washing them the brain to forget the details of the experience.

A story

A story
In a hot day of summer in the south of Florida, a boy decided go to swim in the lagoon behind his house. It left running for the back door, it was thrown in the water and he/she swimed happy. Her mom from the house looked at it for the window, and she did with horror what happened. At once he/she ran toward their son screaming him the strongest thing that could. Hearing him the boy was alarmed and he/she looked at swiming toward their mom. But it was too much afternoon. From the jetty the mom grabbed the boy for her arms. Fair when the cayman grabbed him his legs. The woman pulled certain, with all the force of her heart. The crocodile was stronger, but the mom was much more passionate and her love didn't abandon her.

A gentleman that listened the screams hurried toward the place with a gun and it killed the cocodrilo.El boy he survived and, although his legs suffered enough, he/she could still end up walking. When it left the trauma, a journalist asked to the boy if he wanted to teach him the scars of his legs. The boy lifts the quilt and it showed them to him. But then, with great pride you remango the sleeves and he/she said:

"But those that you should see are these."

They were the marks of their mom's fingernails that had pressed with force. "I have them because mom didn't loose me and you/he/she saved me the life."


We also have scars of a painful past. Some are caused by our procederes, but some are the print of God that has sustained us with force so that we don't fall in the claws of the wrong. God always blesses them, and remember that if it has hurted you at some time the soul, it is because God, he/she has held on to too strong so that you don't fall. In the life we should always thank and to bless what we receive, for well or for bad, until God in its love reveals us the reason.

the hell according to Dante (it includes test)

In France they have The Wretches (social critic), here it would be The Cuisse (a laugh work) and in Italy The Divine Comedy, maybe claiming the height of the Christian pride and winning for the hand to Santa Teresa of Jesus. I was crazy about the topic of the Divine Comedy from the beginning for that pretense of putting a natural order in a mysterious environment of which nobody that had been able to see has returned to count it. The immortalest work in Dante Alighieri (the one that comes out in the Italian currencies of two Eurus) it is a narration of the administrative organization of the “Further on” from a geometric and rational point of view that makes it fascinating. As tourist guides in so unusual visit has Virgilio in the first place (that teaches him the Hell and the Purgatory) and later to Beatriz (in the Paradise). along the visit they go being to different famous personalities, at least in the Florence of the XII century, and he/she goes being how they are organized these three stays and what punishments or pleasures receive the residents. The more molona of all is the Hell, and as me I already have reserved a presidential suite there, because it interests me very especially and I found that only by means of the Divine Comedy he/she could know if my location there will be more or less central and with what services I will be able to count. In the Hell the convicts all balled paying for their sins are not, you won't believe, but rather there is an entire division of chaste in function of which it has been the main sin that he/she has brought you until there. It is organized in concentric circles around the own Lucifer (the more bad has been, more near the center he/she plays you, while the most external circles are those of the pecadorcillos of little it mounts). in summary the circles of the Hell are:
Circle 1. (LIMBO) no matter how much now they want to remove him privileges, the most external circle in the hell is that of those “virtuous pagans” and those not baptized. That is to say, if you are not Christian this is the best thing to what you can opt. Starting from here they have residence the sinners “active”
Circle 2. The lustful ones. It is important to realize that the first circles (less serious sins) they are those in those that one has been let take for the instincts, in this case, for the lust in all their versions.
Circle 3. The gluttons. Here they are tortured those that ate too much (greed), another pecadillo smaller consequence of the animal instincts.
Circle 4. The greedy ones. To put too many energy in possessing goods can bring you here.
Circle 5. The irritable ones. Convicts to face those some with the other ones in stopping.
The Stygian lagoon is in this point. All that is inside her is reserved for pedigrí sinners (very bad very bad sins that are not product of instincts not well controlled but of true wickedness).
Circle 6. The heretics. Those that persist voluntarily in to ignore or to contradict the dogmas and the authority of the Church.
Circle 7. The violent ones. Well against people or properties. They are included the suicides and the profanes here, veto you that is why.
Circle 8. The fraudulent ones. Flattering, corrupt, thieves, false prophets, etc. Here is subjected to terrible tortures.
Circle 9. The traitors. According to Dante the worst possible sin is the betrayal. Big traitors as Bruto and Judas have their home here in company of the selfsame Lucifer.
The Dante’s Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

He/she marries bewitched: The thrilling case of Amityville [History]

This history has as scenario a house located in the 112 of Ocean Avenue, in Amityville, New York. The dawn of November of 1974, 15 the son bigger than the family DeFeo, only 17 years old, murdered its parents and siblings in cold blood, with a rifle, leaving a total of six dead people.
The investigators didn't have any indication that allows them to suspect in short of somebody, until one of the detectives that traveled the rooms of the house in search of some hint found in the only survivor's two boxes of cardboard of bullets piece for a rifle.
The investigations began to throw astonishing results, as a robbery that the youth would have made against her grandfather and their strange changes of humor. After long interrogations, the police got the confession, and the youth was condemned to 25 years of prison.

But the true history of Amityville begins later days, December of 1974, 28 twenty-eight days after the murders. That day, another family, composed by George's marriage and Kathy Lutz, moved to the place where it had happened the massacre. The house, roomy and of very beautiful architecture, it was for sale exceptionally to a price cheap, and the Lutz decided to obviate the violent facts happened in advance and they bought the property, although they could only occupy it 16 days due to the strange phenomena that you happened...
From the first moment in that you/they occupied the house, the marriage and their small daughters felt a supernatural presence that left making stronger every day. At the beginning, strange noises were listened along the day; then, they began to appear stains in the walls and bad scents without apparent reason, and the doors and windows opened up alone.
Kathy Lutz would add that in having reiterated occasions it was observed in certain parts of the house, mainly in the rooms, and that one saw some red eyes that you/they looked at it from the darkness through the window. Suddenly, he/she began to have repetitive nightmares with the crimes happened in the house, but dreaming that the victims were the components of their family.
The suppuesta entity that he/she inhabited the housing even tried to take possession of the bodies of its residents, manipulating them to its own will and forcing them to make acts of violent nature, something in that which the Lutz has never wanted to deepen.
To the few days of inhabiting the place, the marriage was convinced that the house was possessed by a presence demoníaca and recurririó to the priest of the nearest church who would count after when trying to bless the house, he/she listened a voice that tossed it, a voice that arose of he/she swims her from the highest plant in the house and that he/she screamed: RELEASE YOU OF HERE!!!. According to the stories of the time, when the sacerdota entered to the house, the atmosphere filled with a rotten scent and a moscar cloud invaded the place. The religious should fight with a physical force that prevented him to come closer to the house and finally it was violently expelled.
The priest's visit marked the point in that the paranormal events were increased, George began to also feel strange presences, and it even felt fear to open the faucets because it supposed that a wicked presence could leave them if he/she opened the key in passing. The hallucinations became more common and the distrust in the family increased, George affirmed that his wife you was tranformando in a witch pués, according to him, he was dropping the teeth and the hair. Such a point that the Lutz should abandon the house forever that from then on is uninhabited and on which weighs the stigma of the legend of Amityville.

Opars, objects outside of their time. -

The word opars (ooparts) he/she comes from the initials in English of a sentence that he/she comes to mean that. Opposing objects where they should not be, where it is impossible that they are. But they are. (ooparts = out-of-place artifact)
First I will speak of, or I will mention, some of these annoying objects. There is more, some so well-known ones as the machine of Antiquitera. Then a small story will come by way of speculation on its origin and other dreams…
* Some are exposed in museums. Most not, they raise powder in their warehouses. As a wooden toy, at least it could be that that anyone that sees it without doubting would say that it is an airplane. Only it is an object of the old Egypt, conserved, in the warehouse of the museum of the Cairo.

* The famous pile of Baghdad, conserved until the war of Iraq in the museum of this city, is a small electric generator formed by a recipient of mud and a metallic bar. Their surprising use discovered it a curious scientist, intrigued by the form and characteristic of that secular object.
* The map of Piri Laughs, belonging to a Turkish marine of the XV century, previous to the discovery of America and very previous to the moment in that finally the first map, reliable, of the continent was traced. And it is that this map reflects the South American coast but also part of the Antártida! (and this last one containing icy it was later discovered centuries. It is conserved, I not eat, in the warehouse of the museum Topkapi of Istanbul.
And other two, in this brief sample that has the peculiarity of having been examined scientifically in an exhaustive way:
* The glass skulls. Since there is several, but mainly one highlights of them to be bigger and to be articulate their jaw. I refer to the old ones, clearing is. Later on some have been carved more but those are no longer opars.

The authentic ones come from the Mayan and Aztec cultures and they have generally been in ruins of this cultures. The biggest before mentioned it is called “Skull of the Destination” and it is carved in pure glass of quartz, with the prisms of the base and the refined lenses of the eyes shining intensely. The skull, perfectly refined, has a high grade of purity (7 on 10 in the scale of Mohs). This means that only with the foundry of the mineral and with a mold, the one carved with other stones of more hardness (for example the diamond) or a laser one can obtain a similar result. And the Mayan didn't have that technological capacity.

He/she discovered it in 1924 the English browser, of similar personality to the character from Indiana Jones, Mitchell Hedges in the Mayan ruins of Lubaantum, in Belize. It was after removing some stones that covered an altar. For more astonishment the descendants of the family gave the skull to the laboratories Hewlett Packard in 1970, and there they discovered that it was carved against the natural axis of the glass. This would not even be made at the present time because it would cause the break of the quartz, it would be not even possible using technology laser.
You has speculated on their construction technique, but the only one “possible” it would be the one of having been carving it during whole lives with friction with sand, thing that had taken about 200 years.
The experts of the British Museum dates it on the 1300 d. C., but the natives that accompanied its discoverer affirmed that he/she had more than 3600 years of antiquity.
To this skull they were added fabulous data at once. For example and in the personnel's of maintenance of the museum testimonies, to their surroundings alone objects would move and it sometimes removes strange and perfumed scents. The case is that they were it afraid and they got that at nights it was covered with a cloth.
An indigenous legend exists regarding her. There would be 13 skulls and when all were rediscovered and related, they would transmit the humans all their knowledge. But this would not happen until the humans had reached an enough moral integrity…
* And the hammer of Texas.
It was discovered fossilized in 1934, near the Texan town of London. It was incrusted in the rock. The wood of the fossilized mango and the iron head fused with the rock. This meant that the hammer was previous to the rock!.
During a lot of time the hammer raised powder in a small local museum, until finally to somebody he/she was happened to investigate it and to make a detailed analysis. The petrified wooden mango means that they have had to pass 140 million years at least for that process. When the first homínidos didn't arise until ago 7 million years and to make tools was he/she only makes two millions. As for the iron head it is of an almost total purity, something that can only be achieved with outposts technical metalúrgicas. The same as the fact, overdraft thanks to rays x, that during their production he/she had become purified and hardened. But the rock in which was fused continued having 140 million years!. AND this last fact implies, also that the object in question was subjected to an atmospheric pressure different from the current one. Another thing that it remits to remote times.
* The human prints are also. Prints of shoes in strata of ago two or three million years, as those that were in Nevada in 1882, or another print in the desert of Gobi by the middle of the XIX one, in a stratum dated in about 200 million antiquity.
Is the history of the Earth such and do I eat they have counted it to us?. Who and when did he/she live in her?. Memories of the future?, other humanities, or travelers of the time?... What would it be of us under adverse and radical circumstances?. A piece of video tape?. for sure the archaeologists of the future would classify it like cult object, since would come from a “civilization” that only left to the desert as only rake of its existence.