This history has as scenario a house located in the 112 of Ocean Avenue, in Amityville, New York. The dawn of November of 1974, 15 the son bigger than the family DeFeo, only 17 years old, murdered its parents and siblings in cold blood, with a rifle, leaving a total of six dead people.
The investigators didn't have any indication that allows them to suspect in short of somebody, until one of the detectives that traveled the rooms of the house in search of some hint found in the only survivor's two boxes of cardboard of bullets piece for a rifle.
The investigations began to throw astonishing results, as a robbery that the youth would have made against her grandfather and their strange changes of humor. After long interrogations, the police got the confession, and the youth was condemned to 25 years of prison.
But the true history of Amityville begins later days, December of 1974, 28 twenty-eight days after the murders. That day, another family, composed by George's marriage and Kathy Lutz, moved to the place where it had happened the massacre. The house, roomy and of very beautiful architecture, it was for sale exceptionally to a price cheap, and the Lutz decided to obviate the violent facts happened in advance and they bought the property, although they could only occupy it 16 days due to the strange phenomena that you happened...
From the first moment in that you/they occupied the house, the marriage and their small daughters felt a supernatural presence that left making stronger every day. At the beginning, strange noises were listened along the day; then, they began to appear stains in the walls and bad scents without apparent reason, and the doors and windows opened up alone.
Kathy Lutz would add that in having reiterated occasions it was observed in certain parts of the house, mainly in the rooms, and that one saw some red eyes that you/they looked at it from the darkness through the window. Suddenly, he/she began to have repetitive nightmares with the crimes happened in the house, but dreaming that the victims were the components of their family.
The suppuesta entity that he/she inhabited the housing even tried to take possession of the bodies of its residents, manipulating them to its own will and forcing them to make acts of violent nature, something in that which the Lutz has never wanted to deepen.
To the few days of inhabiting the place, the marriage was convinced that the house was possessed by a presence demoníaca and recurririó to the priest of the nearest church who would count after when trying to bless the house, he/she listened a voice that tossed it, a voice that arose of he/she swims her from the highest plant in the house and that he/she screamed: RELEASE YOU OF HERE!!!. According to the stories of the time, when the sacerdota entered to the house, the atmosphere filled with a rotten scent and a moscar cloud invaded the place. The religious should fight with a physical force that prevented him to come closer to the house and finally it was violently expelled.
The priest's visit marked the point in that the paranormal events were increased, George began to also feel strange presences, and it even felt fear to open the faucets because it supposed that a wicked presence could leave them if he/she opened the key in passing. The hallucinations became more common and the distrust in the family increased, George affirmed that his wife you was tranformando in a witch pués, according to him, he was dropping the teeth and the hair. Such a point that the Lutz should abandon the house forever that from then on is uninhabited and on which weighs the stigma of the legend of Amityville.
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