Several they are the fantastic narrations that it has more than enough the whiner's spirit the old residents of the Araucanian savannas they count. The Whiner transformed into the vagabond spirit of a woman that a boy takes in the haunch, makes allusion to his name because he wanders crying for the roads. He/she says the tradition that the whiner claims of people help to load the boy; when receiving it he/she gets rid of the punishment becoming the whiner the person that has received it. Other versions say that it is the spirit of a woman that killed for jealousies to the mom and it fastened fire to the house with their progenitor inside of, receiving from this, in the moment the curse that condemned her to be in death agony: "You will walk without God and without Santa María, pursuing the men for the roads of the plain". it is said that he/she is never seen the face and he/she cries of shame and regret for that he/she made to their family.
The Whiner's spirit, become legend, it has accompanied the man llanero from remote times and of their existence they are witness many old "Don Juanes". Other less believing ones consider that it is a belief contrary to the reason, created by the adults with the objective of to scare or to frighten to the jeans that crossed roads in search of some night romance for the savannas. A piece of roll tobacco in the pocket avoids the whiner's appearance.
second version
The whiner's legend.
Accomplished the conquest and not very more or less by the middle of the XVI century, the neighbors of the city of Mexico were picked up in their houses with the touch of it is, warned by the bells of the first Cathedral; at midnight and mainly when there was moon, they woke up frightened when hearing in the street, sad and lingering wailings, rushed without a doubt by a woman to who afflicted, sling punishes moral or tremendous physical pain.
An Alma in Pain
The first nights, the neighbors resigned to be crossed by the fear that you/they caused them those dismal wailings that according to them, they belonged a soul of the other world; but they were so many and so repeated and they were prolonged time that some fearless ones wanted to make sure with their own eyes therefore what that was; and first from the half-closed doors, of the windows or balconies, and at once daring to leave to the streets, they were able to see the one that, in the silence of the dark nights or in those in that the pale light of the moon fell as a vaporous mantel it threw sharp and death wailings.
The woman dressed a white suit and a thick veil covered its face. With slow and quiet steps it traveled many streets of the city, every night he/she took different streets, but it always went by the biggest Square (today known as the Baseboard of the Capital), where he/she stopped and sunk of knees, he/she gave the last distressing and languid lament in address to the East; then it continued with the slow and leisurely step toward the same direction and when arriving beside the lake that penetrated inside some neighborhoods in that time, like a shade disappeared among its waters.
“The advanced hour of the night, - the Dr. José María Moroccan says - the silence and the solitude of the streets and squares, the suit, the air, the leisurely one to walk of that mysterious woman and, mainly, the penetrating, sharp and lingering of his groan that always gave falling in earth of knees, formed a group that terrified to how many they saw it and they heard, and not few of the valiant and made an effort conquerors, were in that woman's presence, silent, pale and cold, as of marble. The braveest grieve they dared to follow it at long distance, taking advantage of the clarity of the moon, without achieving another thing that to see it disappear arriving at the lake, as if he/she submerged among the waters, and not being possible to discover more than her, and being ignored who was, from where he/she came and to where he/she went, he/she was given The Whiner's name.”
The Whiner's Origin
The antecedent but well-known of the whiner's legend he/she has their roots in the Aztec mythology. A version sustains that he/she is the Aztec goddess Chihuacóatl, protector of the race. They count that before the Spanish conquest, a dressed feminine figure of target began to appear regularly on the waters of the lake of Texcoco and to wander for the hills terrifying the inhabitants of the great Tenochtitlán.
“Oh, my children, where will I take them so that they escape so fateful destination?”, did he/she complain.
A group of priests decided to consult old omens. The old ones noticed that the goddess Chihuacóalt would appear to announce the fall of the Aztec empire at the hands of men coming from East. The appearance constituted the sixth premonition of the end of the civilization.
With the arrival of the Spaniards to the American, and once accomplished Continent the conquest of Tenochtitlan, headquarters of the Aztec Empire, years but it takes and after Mrs. Marina, better acquaintance as the died “Malinche” (Aztec youth that became the Spanish conqueror's lover Hernán Cortés), I/you/he/she was said that this era the whiner, the one that came to punish of the other world to have betrayed the Indians of her race, helping the foreigners so that they subjected them.
Those “Other” Whiners
This legend extended to other places of the Country, showing in diverse ways. In some towns it was said that the whiner was an in love youth that had died in eves of the wedding and she brought the boyfriend the crown of white roses that never used.
In other parts, it was believed that he/she was a mother that came to cry to their orphan children.
Some affirm that he/she is a woman that drowned to one of their children and at night it looks for it along the creeks or gulches, exhaling lingering laments.
The whiner's description is the following one:
Woman of unpleasant, high and disheveled figure, of long dress and cadaverous face. With their long arms it sustains a dead boy. It spends the night crying, sowing with their plaintive sobs, the terror in the fields, villages, and still in the cities.
Reference is made to this in agreement character with the oral tradition, where he/she is defined like a single mother that decided not to have its son and for that reason it miscarries, carrying him this the punishment of listening its boy's cry permanently. This punishment despaired it and he/she forced her to stroll for the world without finding serenity, crying, groaning and investigating for its wasted son's whereabouts.
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