Sunday, August 2, 2009

the hell according to Dante (it includes test)

In France they have The Wretches (social critic), here it would be The Cuisse (a laugh work) and in Italy The Divine Comedy, maybe claiming the height of the Christian pride and winning for the hand to Santa Teresa of Jesus. I was crazy about the topic of the Divine Comedy from the beginning for that pretense of putting a natural order in a mysterious environment of which nobody that had been able to see has returned to count it. The immortalest work in Dante Alighieri (the one that comes out in the Italian currencies of two Eurus) it is a narration of the administrative organization of the “Further on” from a geometric and rational point of view that makes it fascinating. As tourist guides in so unusual visit has Virgilio in the first place (that teaches him the Hell and the Purgatory) and later to Beatriz (in the Paradise). along the visit they go being to different famous personalities, at least in the Florence of the XII century, and he/she goes being how they are organized these three stays and what punishments or pleasures receive the residents. The more molona of all is the Hell, and as me I already have reserved a presidential suite there, because it interests me very especially and I found that only by means of the Divine Comedy he/she could know if my location there will be more or less central and with what services I will be able to count. In the Hell the convicts all balled paying for their sins are not, you won't believe, but rather there is an entire division of chaste in function of which it has been the main sin that he/she has brought you until there. It is organized in concentric circles around the own Lucifer (the more bad has been, more near the center he/she plays you, while the most external circles are those of the pecadorcillos of little it mounts). in summary the circles of the Hell are:
Circle 1. (LIMBO) no matter how much now they want to remove him privileges, the most external circle in the hell is that of those “virtuous pagans” and those not baptized. That is to say, if you are not Christian this is the best thing to what you can opt. Starting from here they have residence the sinners “active”
Circle 2. The lustful ones. It is important to realize that the first circles (less serious sins) they are those in those that one has been let take for the instincts, in this case, for the lust in all their versions.
Circle 3. The gluttons. Here they are tortured those that ate too much (greed), another pecadillo smaller consequence of the animal instincts.
Circle 4. The greedy ones. To put too many energy in possessing goods can bring you here.
Circle 5. The irritable ones. Convicts to face those some with the other ones in stopping.
The Stygian lagoon is in this point. All that is inside her is reserved for pedigrĂ­ sinners (very bad very bad sins that are not product of instincts not well controlled but of true wickedness).
Circle 6. The heretics. Those that persist voluntarily in to ignore or to contradict the dogmas and the authority of the Church.
Circle 7. The violent ones. Well against people or properties. They are included the suicides and the profanes here, veto you that is why.
Circle 8. The fraudulent ones. Flattering, corrupt, thieves, false prophets, etc. Here is subjected to terrible tortures.
Circle 9. The traitors. According to Dante the worst possible sin is the betrayal. Big traitors as Bruto and Judas have their home here in company of the selfsame Lucifer.
The Dante’s Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis!
Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

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