Sunday, August 2, 2009

Google discovers the supposed Atlantis

An image satelital taken by the digital program Google Ocean found what was defined as a city submerged to 1000 kilometers of the coast west of Africa, near the Islands Canaries, for what you speculates that it can be the “lost Atlantis.”
As he/she informed today the English newspaper The Sun, the image shows a perfect rectangle of the size of Wales submerged at hundred of meters deep in the Ocean Atlantic. The picture satelital details a symmetrical plane of parallel and perpendicular lines, similar to a map of an enormous metropolises.
Located in an area called Abyssal Platform of Madeira, the plane was discovered by the English aeronautical engineer Bernie Bamford that investigated through the “Google Ocean.”
Bamford, 38 years old and residing in the English town of Chester, affirmed that the lines “they are made by the man”. “The possibility of an extraordinary discovery has captured oceanographers and geophysical”, the Sun wrote.
The place is to 1000 kilometers to the west of Africa, near the Islands Canaries, a place for the lost Atlantis suggested by the Greek philosopher Plato who believed that a civilization that he/she lived in that island was submerged 12.000 years ago by an earthquake.
The “map” it was reproduced by Google Ocean, an extension of the digital program Google Earth that uses images of satellites combined with marine pictures. The professor Charles Orser, healer of historical archaeology of the New York State University and one of the main prominences on the studies of the Atlantic one, qualified the discovery like “fascinating.”
“That place is one of the most prominent places on the location suggested for the Atlantis, like it was described by Plato. It deserves to be analyzed in detail”, he/she added.
The Atlantis is the name of a legendary missing island in the sea, mentioned and described for the first time in the dialogues Timeo and the Critias, the Greek philosopher's texts Plato.

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