Sunday, August 2, 2009

Walt Disney is frozen? Urban legends

Urban legends are plentiful mainly when we are children. I remember that one of the most famous urban legends was that Mr. Walt Disney decided to freeze its body with the objective of staying crionizado until he/she was discovered a cure against its illness. I should admit that I believed myself such a history in that time. If the Captain America had wakened up after being semicongelado several decades and they Have Alone it had been frozen in carbonita and it had not passed him anything, because to Walt Disney could not pass him the same thing

Walt Disney stopped to work in the development of Disneyworld in 1966, when he/she was diagnosed a cancer in its lung, after confirmed smoker's life. It died December 15 from 1966 to the 65 years. It was incinerated December 17 in the Forest Lawn Cemetery of Glendale, California. Their brother Roy took the project of the park of attractions of Florida ahead, insisting in that calls you Walt Disney World in honor to its brother.

Soon after of their death (already in 1969 he/she appears reflected in a magazine) it arose the rumor that the body of Disney had been crionizado until the moment in that the scientific advances could return it to the life. It is a totally false legend, since there is so much perseverance of the death of Disney like of their later incineration. It is not clear the origin of the rumor. In their official biographies the interest of Disney is mentioned by the criónica in the last years of its life, although they don't contribute concrete sources.

It is impossible to know with certainty if this interest existed, in which case it could have been what originated the legend. On the other hand, the fact that the incineration you carries out in a strictly private environment it could feed the speculations. It should also be kept in mind that Disney was known, mainly in its last years, for its interest for the innovations tecnológicas.También in that time the science fiction was taking body and to insert the theory of the crionización was it sews normal in the cinematography of this gender.

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